Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Zhong Hua Men Gate/Castle

Went to Zhong Hua Men castle today. Really big area of the Nanjing wall. It was built with big rooms to hide soldiers and store supplies. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Been in China almost a year. At a school I like a lot more. Having fun teaching my students and they seem to like Teacher Nick. Got a kid named Monday. He likes to give hugs, I call it my Monday Monday hug. Starting to understand more Mandarin and getting better at speaking what I know. Still practicing speaking it also. I know what the tones are but hearing and repeating them are different. Still hope to come home for a visit this summer. On a sad note my Great Grandmother passed away. She was 102 so I knew she would sometime, but she was stubborn and healthy so I thought she would make it until I came back to the US. No funeral for her because she did not want one. Thanks for all your love and support and I hope to see all of you soon.


Ada's Birthday

Jessica's niece "Ada" had her 3rd birthday on Saturday.

Temple and City Wall with Jessica

Took Jessica to the city wall. On the way there we stopped at one of the many Buddhist temples in China. We checked out the temple, had some lunch, and then walked on the wall. Sorry the pictures posted out of order.

Trying to toss a coin into the top

One of the four protectors